Two component liquid silicone set

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4 in stock

Silicone set

4 in stock


Our two-component liquid silicone is specifically designed for waterproofing applications. It is highly effective in safeguarding sensitive components, particularly in our batteries where it is used to waterproof the Battery Management System (BMS), as well as in the Mainbox where it seals off the cable compartment.

In this set:

  • 150gr silicone base component
  • Silicone hardener
  • Primer


Use the primer to cover all the PLA+ or PETG surfaces. Don’t use the primer on Silicone hoses or Wires! Wires and hoses need to be sanded for a proper bond with the silicone.


Product information:

Silicone and Hardener:

The silicone Condensation 20, you can easily mix by hand or machine. Mix the A and B component carefully and in the specified proportion.

Condensation B = 2%, so on 100 grams of A you use 2 grams of B2.

Provided that the silicone is kept in a sealed package and stored cool and frost-free, the shelf life is at least 1 year.

Silicone and hardener Safety:



Safety documentation Condensation silicone B2 and Hardener:

EN – Product Information Silicone Condensation 20

EN – Safety data sheet Hardener B2



For proper bonding clean the surface to make it dust and grease free. Use a nonpolar solvent for such as white spirit or turpentine followed by a polar solvent such as acetone.

Primers work best in a very thin layer of 1 micrometer. Apply the primer very thin, and bubble free.

The primer builds up a layer using moisture form the system, the surface and surrounding air. Increasing temperature and humidity accelerates this process. At room temperature and 40% humidity you should leave the primer for 1 hour. If it’s drier or colder it takes longer.

Do not wait more than 5 hours as the primed layer will start to degrade.

The primer usually instantly provides better adhesion but final results may take up to 4 days and can be enhanced by heating to 100-150°C

Shelf life is at least 1 year. If stored between 10 and 25°C and out of direct sunlight.

Primer Safety:

PLEASE NOTE. The primer has an ignition temperature of 3°C (from 3°C flammable gases will start to evaporate). Please use caution! 

Safety documentation Primer G790:

EN – Product Information Silicone Primer
EN – Safety data sheet Silicone Primer G790 INTL v2



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